Investment Committee:
Geo Chen (Chair), Robert Giles, Dr. Eric Veach
Audit and Finance Committee:
Sally Davidson (Chair), Dr. Eric Veach, Geo Chen, Jeff Zack
Compensation Committee:
Jeff Zack (Chair), Dr. Eric Veach, Sally Davidson
Philanthropy Committee:
Edith McBean (Chair), Patricia Koval, Roger Pasquier, Geo Chen, John Mitchell, Sally Davidson, Eric Goode, Cullen Geiselman
Communications Committee:
Jeff Zack (Chair), Callie Broaddus, Kim Stewart, Eric Goode, John Gwynne, Linda Perry-Lube, Ann Kaupp
Conservation Committee:
Dr. Wayt Thomas (Chair), Dr. Gwen Brewer, Dr. Bruce Beehler, Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, Edith McBean, John Mitchell, Patricia Koval, Dr. Sally Lahm
Governance Committee:
Dr. Thomas Lovejoy (Chair), Jeff Zack, Patricia Koval, Dr. Eric Veach
Nominating Committee:
John Mitchell (Chair), Edith McBean, Eric Goode, Dr. Wayt Thomas, Kim Stewart, Dr. James Deutsch (CEO)
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