Seth MacFarlane Gives $1 Million to Rainforest Trust to Stop Deforestation
Seth MacFarlane has given $1,000,000 to Rainforest Trust to further…

International Women's Day
Ednah Nyambu, Kenya
What is a typical day like for you in…

Race Car Driver Leilani Münter Partners with Rainforest Trust to Protect Over 1,500 Acres of Endangered Rainforest
Eleven years ago, biology graduate, race car driver and environmental…

Land Purchase Creates Fiji’s First Bat Sanctuary
Rainforest Trust celebrates the purchase of over 20 acres in…

New Ranger Training Site Purchased for Heart of Nantu Project in Indonesia
Rainforest Trust and local partner Yayasan Adudu Nantu International…

Conservation Acquisition for Endangered Dove Inspires New Brazilian Park
Thanks to efforts taken by Rainforest Trust, the government of…

Conservation Organizations Purchase Critical Properties for Wildlife in Nepal
Rainforest Trust is pleased to announce the purchase of five…

Rainforest Trust Partner Helps Stop Bauxite Mine
“I’ll take ‘Def-ORE-station’ for $1,000, Alex.”

Three New Snail-Sucking Snakes Named in Honor of Rainforest Trust Supporters
The discovery of three new snail-sucking snake species in the…

Rainforest Trust Joins KBA Partnership
Rainforest Trust is pleased to announce that it is now an official…

Liberia Marks Official Launch of Gola Forest National Park With Community Ceremony
Although Liberia’s 54th National Legislature signed the Gola…

Expanding Community Protection, Securing Carbon in Peru’s Amazon Rainforest
Rainforest Trust and its local partner Center for the Development…