New Parrot Gets New Reserve, Just in Time
In a bid to prevent the extinction of the Lilacine Amazon – a colorful parrot found only in western Ecuador – Rainforest Trust, Fundación Jocotoco and American Bird Conservancy have established a new protected reserve. The Las Balsas Communal Reserve also protects habitat for the Great Green Macaw. Each of these species numbers fewer than 2,500 and is listed as Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List.
The Lilacine Amazon was recently recognized as a new species, differentiated from the more-widespread Red-lored Amazon by a less-striking head pattern and a dark (not two-toned) bill.
Protection of the Lilacine Amazon’s roosting sites is of primary importance, since Lilacine Amazons congregate at communal roosts at night and fan out during the day to forage in the surrounding countryside. This behavior led to identification of the 209 acres that will be protected in the new reserve. As of November 20, 32 acres are officially protected, with the rest soon to follow.
“These 209 acres are crucial to protect the largest population of this endangered parrot,” says Dr. Martin Schaefer, CEO of Fundación Jocotoco. “We believe that more than a quarter of the Lilacine Amazon’s total population roosts in the new reserve, in close proximity to the Las Balsas community. We’re grateful to the community for granting us a 99-year lease agreement on this land,” declares Dr. Michael Moens, Conservation Director of Fundación Jocotoco.

Some of the Lilacine Amazon’s habitat in Ecuador. Photo courtesy of American Bird Conservancy.
The lease agreement with Las Balsas will ensure that the carob trees used by 500 to 1,000 roosting birds will be protected from charcoal production and agricultural clearing, two pervasive threats faced by western Ecuador’s lowland dry forest.
“This reserve is a great first step,” said Wendy Willis, Deputy Director of International Programs for ABC. “But we need to do more if we’re going to save the Lilacine Amazon. People in these communities need real economic opportunities as an incentive to conserve their land.”

Downed trees in the Las Balsas area. Photo courtesy of American Bird Conservancy.
To address these needs, Fundación Jocotoco is exploring sustainable ways to create more products from the community’s carob trees and to address the most serious environmental issues. The partners are also addressing another threat to the species: trafficking for the pet trade.
“Coastal Ecuadorian residents frequently capture the Lilacine Amazon to keep as a pet,” says ABC’s Willis. “It broke my heart to see one in captivity during a recent work trip to Ecuador.”
The last seven wild Great Green Macaws of the critically endangered subspecies guayaquilensis also live in Las Balsas. These birds were recently joined by six captive-bred individuals that Fundación Jocotoco released. The newly created reserve will also help to prevent the imminent extinction of this isolated population.
“Protecting roosting habitat for the Lilacine Amazon is helping to give this striking bird species a new future,” said Mark Gruin, Rainforest Trust’s Acting CEO. “The combination of land protection and community outreach will ensure this project’s continued success.”

A meeting with local landowners. Photo courtesy of American Bird Conservancy.
The Las Balsas Communal Reserve is the 14th established in Ecuador by Fundación Jocotoco. It protects countless threatened species, such as the Critically Endangered Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin monkey and many bird species endemic to the region.
To learn more about this project, visit the project page.
This project was made possible through gifts to the Conservation Action Fund, and the support of our partner American Bird Conservancy. All donations were matched by SAVES Challenge.
Header Image: The Lilacine Amazon. Photo by Daniel Arias Cruzatty, courtesy of American Bird Conservancy.