Javier Robayo
Javier has worked during more than 20 years for the conservation of nature in Ecuador. He began working at Ecominga in 2006; his main function has been the creation of Ecominga Reserves in the Baños area, where he worked for almost 10 years with local communities, authorities and scientists. Four years ago he started the Dracula Reserve project, located in the cloud forests of the Chocó eco-region, in the northwest of Ecuador on the border with Colombia. There, he has coordinated scientific research activities and worked with the communities of Chical and Maldonado. His interest in plants, birds, mammals and the ecology of the cloud forest has allowed the Dracula Reserve, a treasure of the Choco eco-region, to have a holistic vision in its planning, expansion and conservation. He also spent 13 years at Fundación Jocotoco as Manager and Director of Reserves. He is currently coordinating the work of the Dracula Reserve, the Manduriacu River Reserve and the Ecominga administrative operation.