Save a Vast Wilderness for Lions, Chimpanzees and Elephants

Project Cost: $8,805,141

Funding Raised: $5,406,445

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Nearly one acre of forest is lost every second


Every $1 you donate today to support biodiversity in Central African Republic will be matched with $3 through our SAVES Challenge. Your gift will have QUADRUPLE the impact!

Protect Habitat in the Heart of Africa

Rainforest Trust needs your help to save the Chinko landscape in the heart of Africa, one of the largest intact and remote wilderness areas left on the planet.

Located in the eastern Central African Republic (CAR), Chinko is a rare and extraordinary meeting of forest and savanna, home to species from both habitats as well as the interface between the two. African Forest Elephants (CR), African Wild Dogs (EN), Eastern Chimpanzees (EN), and a substantial population of Lions (VU) all thrive here. Header Photo by Great Stock/Shutterstock.

Central African Republic



African Forest Elephant (CR), African Wild Dog (EN), Chimpanzee (EN), Giant Ground Pangolin (EN), White-bellied Pangolin (EN)

(CR)=Critically Endangered, (EN)=Endangered


African Parks

510,232,159 mT*
*(metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents)


Help Create a National Park

Despite the rich biodiversity and ecological significance of Chinko, CAR is one of the world’s least developed countries with nearly two-thirds of the population living in poverty. Compounded by decades of political and civil unrest, conservation efforts are often extremely difficult. Without formal protection, pastoralist communities have roamed freely, converting lands to cattle pasture and poaching wildlife.

Currently, there is a small window of opportunity to legally declare this landscape as a National Park and ensure long-term protection. We are teaming up with our partner, African Parks, to protect 5.7 million acres – an area larger than the country of Wales. Your support will also help store over 510 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents in our Earth – nearly the equivalent to the annual emissions of every passenger vehicle in the United States.

Join Our Lasting Solution

This project will provide long-term protection through sustainable management and rehabilitate damaged land. Our partner will deploy park guards to intercept pastoralist herders before they reach the park and guide them along specialized corridors to ensure they have access to outside lands for their livestock to feed. The protected area will also significantly expand protection to a massive wilderness that stretches across CAR and South Sudan.

We must take advantage of this rare opportunity. If action is not taken soon, the situation is at risk to deteriorate quickly. Your urgent support will help protect a vulnerable ecosystem with untold conservation potential. Above Photo: Endangered African Forest Elephant, by Gudkov Andrey; Below Photo: Endangered Chimpanzee, by LCRP.



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