Seth MacFarlane Gives $1 Million to Rainforest Trust to Stop Deforestation
Seth MacFarlane has given $1,000,000 to Rainforest Trust to further…

International Women's Day
Ednah Nyambu, Kenya
What is a typical day like for you in…

Threatened Frogs Seen in South African Bioblitz
Rainforest Trust is supporting the protection of 800 acres in…

Successful Tortoise Survey in South Africa
Rainforest Trust worked to support the conservation of 810 acres…

Climate Change Series Part 3 - Tropical Forests Impact Climate in More Ways than Just CO2
So far, our climate change series has investigated how tropical…

“Golden Wonder” Salamander Rediscovered in Guatemala
The spectacular Jackson’s Climbing Salamander was last seen…

Rainforest Trust’s Largest Land Purchase Creates Conservation Corridor in Australia
For almost 30 years, Rainforest Trust has been the leader in…

Urgent Efforts Underway to Protect Unique Habitat in Brazil
Rainforest Trust only needs to raise the last one-third of funding…

Mozambican Community Conservation Spurred On by Puppets
Rainforest Trust is working to support the conservation of over…

Canandé Herpetological Community the Most Diverse Outside the Amazon
Rainforest Trust is currently helping expand Ecuador's Rio Canandé…

First Carchi Andes Toad Sighting in Ecuador in 33 Years
Rainforest Trust is supporting the expansion of Fundacion EcoMinga’s…

Moustached Bird Appears on Dracula Property
According to the IUCN Red List, the Moustached Puffbird (Malacoptila…