As part of Rainforest Trust’s mission to purchase and protect threatened tropical forests through innovative in-country partnerships, we support hundreds of people from our partner organizations all over the world who are working on our joint protected area projects in various conservation capacities.
Conservation Fellows are project managers and coordinators that perform the essential work necessary to implement our protected area projects on the ground. As the Fellows represent a variety of careers available within conservation, our goal is to inspire these dedicated professionals to continue to apply their skills to tropical forest conservation.
The objectives of the program are to:
- Enhanced project management and implementation capacity.
- Enhanced communications skills: writing and editing, photography and videography, social media etc.
- Enhanced tools for motivating and rewarding staff.
- Assistance with professional growth and development of new conservation leaders.
- Demonstrable collaboration and strengthened relationship between our organizations.
“The Fellows program is an important way Rainforest Trust connects directly with the on-the-front-lines conservationists working for our partner organizations around the world,” says Mark Gruin, Rainforest Trust Acting CEO. “Through this program, we can share knowledge and experiences, promote Fellows’ accomplishments, and inspire others to pursue conservation as a career.”

Carlos Mauricio Mazo

Carlos Mauricio Mazo has been working for more than 14 years to conserve critically endangered bird and tree species. In 2015, he founded the NGO Corporación SalvaMontes Colombia to initiate protection of the cloud forests in the north-central Colombian Andes and the numerous endemic and threatened species that live there. The conservation of biodiversity is his life’s work.

Tiana Razafindratsita

Tiana is a biologist and is responsible for research and communication with other researchers at MICET. She graduated from the University of Antananarivo and got her Master’s degree in Ecology, specializing in Ornithology. She is involved in the implementation of ecological monitoring and other conservation aspects carried out in Vohibory forest.

Lydia Razafiarisoa

Lydia Razafiarisoa is the Finance and Human Resource officer of SADABE, serving since 2010. She studied Management and Marketing at Antananarivo University and IESTIM. Her dissertation to complete the Technician Superior Diploma on Management concerns the formalization of SADABE as a Malagasy National NGO.

Elias Barrera

Elías Barrera López is from Cerro Amay. He worked for CONAP from 2006 to 2016 (National Council of Protected Areas) as a Wildlife Technician for the Quiche Region and later worked to prevent the illegal traffic of flora and fauna. His last position in CONAP was Forestry Technician for the Quiche region developing management plans for forest incentive programs in the Cerro Amay regions. In 2007 he received recognition from CONAP for his contribution to the protection and conservation of the Biodiversity of Guatemala.

Francisco (Paco) Asturias

Paco has been a long-time conservationist and served as Director of Mirador National Park-Río Azul during 2014 to 2017 in CONAP (National Council of Protected Areas). Paco has been working with local communities for more than 11 years in Peten. In 2016, he inspired a film about jaguar conservation called About Tigers and Quixotes. He is a director who inspires his team to work to the utmost for natural resource conservation and a born leader who has made a difference everywhere he has worked in Guatemala.

Rasolofonirina Jean Jacques

Jean Jacques trained in silvicultural techniques at Ambatofotsy and Mandraka forestry stations in Madagascar. He studied botany at Ambohitantely Natural Reserve with the great Malagasy botanist Abraham Prosper before finding employment as a nurseryman and research assistant with the École Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques (ESSA), Département des Eaux et Forêts, Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar. His current position as the president of the local association Sohisika is responsible for assisting the management committee in implementing the protected area management plan. His daily tasks include preparing the work plan, monitoring progress of activities and raising funds.

Narindra Ramahefamanana

Narindra has a Master Diploma in Applied Ecology (Antananarivo, Madagascar), and a Masters in Agriculture and Forestry Management (Helsinki, Finland). She is also a cartographer, having worked for many international projects such as the Missouri Botanical Garden, Conservation International and World Bank. She currently works at Madagasikara Voakajy as a Conservation Unit Associate for the Ankafobe Forest, and has been responsible for Ankafobe Forest’s protected area monitoring since 2017. Over the last 7 years she has worked as a wildlife researcher, guide, and environmental educator across Madagascar. She understands that conservation depends on people, especially local people, and if they don’t see the connection between their own well-being and wildlife, then they will not be responsible for the environment.

Akshay Gawade

Akshay Gawade started working with AERF in 2017 as a field researcher after completing his M.Sc. in Biodiversity, Wildlife Conservation and Management. Due to his interest in smaller organisms he received an opportunity to conduct an extensive study on ants (Hymenoptera) and moths (Lepidoptera) from Sangameshwar. Currently, he has recorded 150+ species of moths and 25 species of ants from Sangameshwar. He also was given the opportunity to study other taxa like Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals etc. while working in AERF. After a successful record of Indian ground pangolin in the proposed Prachitgad Community Reserve, Akshay started working on the food preference through scat analysis of Indian ground pangolin in the region. He also participates in conducting carbon stock estimation, herbaceous flora, amphibian and reptile, and general biodiversity surveys in the community forests in the Prachitgad Community Reserve.

Jean-Luc Raharison

Jean-Luc Raharison earned his Masters degree studying bamboo lemurs in 2002 and has worked on SADABE research projects since 2000. He became the executive director of SADABE in 2009; his duties include coordinating field activities (research, conservation and development), liaising with partners (local/national/international) and managing SADABE staff and reporting.

Bruno Ramorasata

Bruno Ramorasata is the project coordinator for Tsinjoarivo and has worked with SADABE since 2016. He completed his Master’s degree at the University of Antananarivo, and previously worked for the NGOs Madagascar Biodiversity Partnership and GERP. He actively engages local community members in forest protection, and coordinates all field activities.


Aro Sitraka is in charge of conservation activities in Mangabe by training and supervising forest patrollers, leading awareness campaigns and enforcement missions, and managing the biodiversity and threats monitoring database. Aro Sitraka loves GIS and new technologies, a great asset for his responsibilities.

Manuella Alhreen

Manuella graduated from Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines. Before joining the Madagasikara Voakajy team, Manuella worked for several private companies.

Voahirana Claudia Randriamamonjy

Voahirana is an Agronomist, passionate about nature and development. She joined Madagasikara Voakajy in 2010 and led the Mangabe project since 2015. In addition to coordinating the implementation of Mangabe’s management plan, she ensures harmonization of our activities with that of the Alaotra-Mangoro Region where the protected area is located.


Oldrich was born and raised in Pretoria, South Africa. He joined EWT in September 2017, as the manager of the Soutpansberg Protected Area, where he and his wife reside. As the manager of the EWT’s Soutpansberg Protected Area, of which the recently acquired Medike Nature Reserve, forms part of, Oldrich is tasked with establishing an inclusive conservation-oriented protected area that offers sustainable livelihood options to local communities, who directly or indirectly depend on it. His mandate also includes the protection of threatened wildlife and important ecosystems, many of which are endemic to the western Soutpansberg. He is excited to be part of such a progressive and dynamic conservation NGO as EWT, who have the drive, skillsets and resourcefulness to let their fledgling reserve in the western Soutpansberg grow into a world-class conservation area, positively impacting not only the environment but also the impoverished communities adjacent to it.

Herman Lyatuu

Herman Lyatuu, Project Manager for Magombera Nature Reserve, was born in Kilimanjaro in the north of Tanzania, but now works in the south, in and around the Udzungwa Mountains. His interest in wildlife began as a teenager when he first saw his father working as forester, with a tree nursery at home. He works with the Tanzanian Forest Conservation Group, through their Udzungwa Forest Project partnership with Flamingo Land and Reforest Africa.

Paul Gacheru

Paul Gacheru is based in Kenya, working as a program manager in Nature Kenya - East Africa Natural History Society. His background is in wildlife conservation and management. His work involves reducing habitat pressure through science-led intervention to mitigate species extinction. One project that he leads is to save a critically endangered and endemic species of bird called the Taita Apalis (Apalis fuscigularis), one of the rarest birds in the world. Through land purchase funded by Rainforest Trust, the creation of conservation reserves and forest restoration helps to halt population decline of this important species.

Rony A. Villanueva Fajardo

Rony A. Villanueva Fajardo has been working with indigenous communities and rural stakeholders for more than nine years in an important area for the conservation of natural resources and community forestry. He started work with El Centro para el Desarrollo del Indígena Amazónico (CEDIA) in 2014 as a specialist in Natural Resource Management and participatory conservation for the implementation of the expansion of the Airo Pai Communal Reserve.

Novita Sari

Novita’s specialization is in community outreach and engagement within protected areas. After graduating with a degree in social and political sciences at Mulawarman University, Samarinda in 2015, she has been working full-time as a field coordinator with Yayasan Konservasi Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia (RASI) since mid 2016. Prior to that, she worked on a community development project for clean water and village sanitation and as as reporter for local television news.

Rendra Bayu Tri Cahyono

Rendra’s specialization is in government and private sector engagement for PA protection and public outreach. He has been working part-time as a field coordinator with Yayasan Konservasi Rare Aquatic Species of Indonesia (RASI) since October 2016 and part-time running an English tutoring center for lower income students.

Alex Cortes Diago

Alex Cortes Diago is a founding member of ProAves. A biologist, he has discovered four new species for science, has promoted different projects for highly threatened birds, as well as spearheaded the consolidation of municipal areas of conservation importance. He has also participated in biological studies for the declaration of National Conservation Areas.

Juan Carlos Luna Garcia

Juan Carlos is a founding member of ProAves. He played a decisive role in the establishment and protection of some of the most important private reserves in Colombia, has more than 20 years of experience as a field researcher, and participated in numerous research projects including expeditions to the most remote places in the country.

Yenny Villa Diaz

Yenny is an expert in the formulation and technical, economic and environmental evaluation of projects. She joined ProAves as an environmental educator on the Loro Orejiamarillo project in 2016, and is currently the deputy director of the regional reserve program in the Northwest of Colombia.


Hassan is a wildlife and environmental enthusiast working as field assistant for Hirola Conservation Program (HCP) within the Bura East Conservancy. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Developmental Studies from the Catholic University of East Africa (CUEA). He is passionate about wildlife photography, which he says is one of the most effective ways of telling wildlife stories. Hassan is motivated by field based conservation and is particularly interested in finding solutions that improve human-wildlife relations. He is particularly keen on saving endangered species such as the hirola, reticulated giraffes and Grevy’s Zebra. This has enhanced his capabilities and motivation to work with wildlife and the local community. He has an excellent understanding of the local environment and communities as he hails from the larger Garissa County.

Nonvie Pandeirot

Nonvie Pandeirot is (Yayasan Adudu Nantu Internasional) YANI’s Nantu Field Co-ordinator. She has 17 years full-time experience at Nantu and co-ordinates all YANI’s program activities and logistics. She has excellent working relationships with diverse stakeholders, from local communities to police and government partners.

Paul Gacheru

Paul Gacheru is based in Kenya, working as a program manager in Nature Kenya - East Africa Natural History Society. His background is in wildlife conservation and management. His work involves reducing habitat pressure through science-led intervention to mitigate species extinction. One project that he leads is to save a critically endangered and endemic species of bird called the Taita Apalis (Apalis fuscigularis), one of the rarest birds in the world. Through land purchase funded by Rainforest Trust, the creation of conservation reserves and forest restoration helps to halt population decline of this important species.

Kagoya Esther

Ms. Kagoya Esther is a Ugandan conservationist. She holds a Masters in Fisheries Science from Pukyong National University in South Korea. Ms. Kagoya Esther has over 5 years of professional experience in natural resources and freshwater fisheries research. Currently, she is working as a Research Scientist for NAFIRRI in fish stock assessment, capture fisheries and biodiversity conservation. She is also working as a Field Officer a collaborative project with Rainforest Trust entitled “Securing a Global Freshwater Fish Hotspot on Lake Nyaguo, Uganda where she is charged with field operation planning and the implementation of field activities.

Mark Edison R. Raquino

Mark has been working on environment conservation and community development for 8 years. His work is encompassed by the huge Philippine challenge of Coastal Resource Management. His current focus is on community-based approaches that integrate strategies for poverty mitigation with management and biodiversity conservation of forest, agriculture and marine ecosystems.

Marilyn dela Torre

Marilyn is a Forester and a member of the Dumagat tribe from Aurora Province in northeastern Philippines. Growing up in her ancestral land inspired her to focus on biodiversity conservation work. Her current role as Community Development Coordinator facilitates the critical engagement of indigenous peoples towards the protection, wise use and management of the forest resources on ancestral domains.

Ronald Rodriguez

Ronald Rodriguez studied accounting and specialized in management of social development projects from international technical cooperation funds. He has worked at CEDIA for more than 15 years, helping to strengthen the indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, located in southeast (Cusco) and northeast (Loreto) of Peru, in issues of communal management for self support.


Andriansyah is project coordinator for the Expanding a Network of Strategic Protected Areas Across West Java project. Andri has been working with Burung Indonesia since 2013. His last assignment before joining the Java Project was Communication and Knowledge Management Specialist in the Gorontalo Program. He has spent most of his career in the field. Andri has a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine and a Master of Science in the Management of Natural Resources and Environment.

José Luis Manzano Loza

José is a Senior Wildlife Technician from Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. He has worked in the study and conservation of endangered parrot species since 1990. His experience has been developed in species of the genus Amazona, the Guacamaya Verde and the Eastern parrot. He is currently a field technician for the Parrots in Danger of Extinction project in Mexico, in charge of the monitoring and training of the guards in three sites in the south of Tamaulipas.

Carlos Barriga Vallejo

Carlos is a candidate for a PhD in Wildlife Management and Sustainable Development. With 7 years of experience in wildlife conservation research, he has participated in ecology projects and the management and conservation of ecosystems and wildlife. He currently coordinates the technical part of the project "Protection of parrots in danger of extinction in Mexico".

Mbuh Cylviline Nkwain

Mbuh Cylviline Nkwain is working with Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society as an office assistant for the “Conservation of Mt Manengouba forest as an Integral Ecological Reserve” project. She plays a very important role in the office since she is always in the office when others are in the field. Her task consist of receiving, registering and orienting visitors into the office, keeping the staff attendance booklet, monitoring data recording and typing, cleaning the offices, collecting and distributing mail, and managing the office library.

Jone Niukula

Jone Niukula has been working for the National Trust of Fiji since 2002. In the past, he has managed natural heritage sites such as the Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park, Yadua Taba Wildlife Sanctuary and endangered species conservation programs for the endemic Fiji Petrel (sea bird) and Fijian native iguanas. During this time, Jone has also been involved in running invasive species removal programs on islands of critically endangered iguana populations.

Allen Tabi

Enokenwa Allen Tabi was born on the 4th of December 1982 in Mamfe, the South West Region of Cameroon. He studied in the University of Dschang, Cameroon where he obtained his Masters Degree in Ecology and Wildlife Management. He has been working with the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) since 2011, where he has amassed eight years experience in wildlife conservation. His work in wildlife has contributed in the creation of the first protected area (Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary) and in the process of creating the second protected area (Njoagwi-Fotabong III-EssohAttah Wildlife Sanctuary) in the Lebialem Highlands. He currently holds the position of the Deputy Chief of Programs in the organization.

Eugene Mibog Diyouke

Diyouke Mibog Eugene is based in Mouanko, Cameroon. He joined Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society as a socioeconomic assistant in 2001, and is currently the program manager of this organisation. He has spent most of his career in the field. He has participated in the process, studies and meetings for the gazettement of Douala-Edea coastal Atlantic landscape as a National Park. He also participates in conducting carbon stock estimation, and biodiversity surveys in the Douala-Edea national park. His daily task includes programs/projects follow up, GIS data base management, participation in the establishment and monitoring of permanent forest sample plots and mangrove nurseries, assistance in inventories and measurements of aquatic forests and rural outreach.

Etame Ardiles Prince

Etame Prince Ardiles is the internship support officer for Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society and the site manager for the Conservation of Mt Manengouba forest as an Integral Ecological Reserve project. He has a Master of Engineering in Fisheries & Aquatic Ecosystem Management. Prince has been working with CWCS for more than three years. His daily tasks consist of participating in the planning and implementation of activities, follow up and supervision of academic and research activities of interns and researchers at CWCS, participation in the establishment and monitoring of permanent forest sample plots and mangrove nurseries, assistance in building CWCS bio-ecological data base and inventories and measurements of forests.

Ngoe Esange Fai

Fai Ngoe Esangue is a senior forestry technician by training. He works in the Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society as project officer for the Conservation of Mt Manengouba forest as an Integral Ecological Reserve. Fai has in the past two years worked with CAMHERP, a NGO working in the field of research on herpetological species and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. He participates in the preparation, implementation and monitoring of field activities and prepares all project technical data and reports.

Takwi Binueh

Takwi Binueh is working with Cameroon Wildlife Conservation Society as site Administrator/Accountant for the Conservation of Mt Manengouba forest as an Integral Ecological Reserve project. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Business and Management. Takwi has been working for more than nine years in other organisations, especially with CAMHERP, a NGO working in the field of research on herpetological species and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. Her tasks consists of assisting in the preparation and monitoring of budgets, management and control of accounts, preparation of regular financial data and project-level financial follow-up status reports, and assistance to team members, experts and consultants on travel and logistical matters.

Bagus Irawan

Bagus Irawan is Leuser Conservation Forum’s (FKL) Project Leader for the Upper Kluet Project in Aceh Selatan, a project supported by the Rainforest Trust. Bagus grew up in Aceh Selatan and has been working to conserve the Leuser Ecosystem for the last 10 years. His passion for conservation comes from his upbringing near the forest. Bagus focuses on community relations and awareness raising. One of his successes is the positive progress on the Upper Kluet project in engaging with the community to protect the forest by building a customary (adat) building, as well as a monitoring post.

Samuel Ngueping

Ngueping Samuel is a Cameroonian Protected Area Manager. He has worked at the ERuDeF
institute for a couple of years in different capacities. He came into the ERuDeF Institute in 2013 as Program Development Officer. From April 2018, he is working in the ERuDeF head office in Buea, South West Region as director of Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management in the Conservation Department.

Josué Miguel Salazar Turrubiates

Josué is a biologist originally from Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. He has worked mainly in the conservation of Green Macaw in Tamaulipas. He is currently responsible for monitoring work in the Ejido Santa Juana de Altamira, Tamaulipas for the project "Protection of parrots in danger of extinction in Mexico".

Sergio Alejo Ledezma Pineda

Sergio is a biologist originally from Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, and has a specialty in natural resource management. He has dedicated himself to the management of the conservation and use of wildlife in Tamaulipas. He has participated in international conservation projects, such as Pronatura’s black bear conservation project in northern Mexico, and the Green Macaw conservation project in the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve. He is currently the person in charge of the work at the Rancho Regalo de Dios on the project "Protection of parrots in danger of extinction in Mexico".

Alberto Romero Ramón

Alberto Romero is a Peruvian Anthropologist with more than 42 years of experience working with indigenous people in the Amazon. During this time, he has been involved in the design and execution of development projects, focused in Land Property Legalization for Indigenous people, the sustainable management of their natural resources and the strengthening of their capacities and organization. He is currently the
coordinator of the project "Expanding the Airo Pai Community Reserve in the hyper diverse Güeppí Region of Peru", and holds the position of Chairman at El Centro para el Desarrollo del Indigena Amazónico (CEDIA).

Thomas Njingo

Mr. Njingo Thomas was born on the 1 st of January 1950 at Lewoh, Lebialem Division. He has been working with the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) since 2005, where he currently serves as the Head of Division for the Technical Services Division. Since then he has served in the following capacity; Office Assistant at the Head Office in Buea, from January 2005 to December 2012. He also served as the Logistics Officer from January 1, 2013 to the 31 st of December 2017, in the Department of Administration.

Richard Olwa

Mr. Richard Olwa is a Research Scientist for the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NAFIRRI) of Uganda. Mr. Olwa is an aquatic biodiversity and environmental expert. Over the past 10 years, Richard has acquired extensive skills and knowledge of biodiversity conservation techniques including research design, data collection, management of project personnel, resources, coordination, and planning strategies to execute projects. He is a team player who is passionate about generating and sharing scientific knowledge for the benefit of local communities and biodiversity conservation. He has successfully coordinated and implemented projects such as “Promoting recovery of threatened fish populations and other aquatic wildlife on Satellite lakes of Uganda through working with local communities and government agencies. Richard is currently serving as the Field Operations Manager for the creation of Lake Nyaguo Community Conservation Area, a project being implemented by NAFIRRI in partnership with Rainforest Trust.

Ursula Nkeng

Ursula started at the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) in 2008, moving from Finance Officer to Finance and Administration Officer to Director of Finance and Budgets. In 2016, she was appointed the Chief Operation Officer and concurrently Chief Finance Officer, which she served as until she was recently promoted to Chief of Staff.

Vivian Tenjem

In May 2012, Vivian was recruited into the Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) as a Budget Officer, a position she held until December 2016. In January 2017, she was promoted to the position of the Director of Budget and Financial Planning, the position she currently holds.

Javier Robayo

Javier has worked during more than 20 years for the conservation of nature in Ecuador. He began working at Ecominga in 2006; his main function has been the creation of Ecominga Reserves in the Baños area, where he worked for almost 10 years with local communities, authorities and scientists. Four years ago he started the Dracula Reserve project, located in the cloud forests of the Chocó eco-region, in the northwest of Ecuador on the border with Colombia. There, he has coordinated scientific research activities and worked with the communities of Chical and Maldonado. His interest in plants, birds, mammals and the ecology of the cloud forest has allowed the Dracula Reserve, a treasure of the Choco eco-region, to have a holistic vision in its planning, expansion and conservation. He also spent 13 years at Fundación Jocotoco as Manager and Director of Reserves. He is currently coordinating the work of the Dracula Reserve, the Manduriacu River Reserve and the Ecominga administrative operation.

Efrain Cepeda Duran

Efraín Cepeda Duran is North Reserve Director of the Jocotoco-Ecuador Foundation. He joined the Foundation in 2007 as a Reforestation assistant in the Yanacocha reserve. This forest is truly spectacular due to its scenic beauty and the multiple functions it fulfills within the ecosystem. As North Reserve Director, he manages the reserves of Yanacocha, Antisanilla, Narupa and Canandé, and now is in charge of purchasing land for the expansion of reserves. Among the activities that he enjoys the most are bird watching in each of the reserves, photography and hiking on trails.

Narcisse Andry Rahajanirina

Narcisse is thirty-one and the father of one child. He graduated from Antananarivo University and got his Masters on Primatology in 2017. He has been involved in different conservation projects and research with MaVoa. Currently, he works with the SADABE/Madagasikara Voakajy team in implementing the New Protected Area of Tsinjoarivo-Ambalomby, with special focus on ecological monitoring and coordination of their intervention in the eastern part of this protected area.

Théo Dumoulin

Théo is one of the technical agents of the association Dayu Biik. They take care of the management of the Mont Panié reserve, the highest point in New Caledonia and a biodiversity hotspot. They fight for the preservation of the services that the cloud forest of the Panié massif provides them but especially for the protection of the Kaori tree of Mount Panié (Dayu Biik in a local language), a micro-endemic species and important cultural symbol. He is a field agent for the RFT reserve extension project. His job is to consult local people around this project, diagnose the state of health of forests and rivers, and monitor invasive species and their associated threats on the Panié massif.

Shanta Banstola

Shanta Banstola, originally from Jhapa district, holds a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University with major Integrated Water Resource Management and Pollution Control Technology. Since 2015, she has been working in the field of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) at the Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University and Department of Irrigation, WRPPF. She is interested in research related to environmental analysis and modeling. Besides this, she is also interested in disaster, ecology and water resource analysis.


Flor is a biologist passionate about herpetofauna (reptile and amphibian conservation). She is also interested in recovering natural habitats and mitigating climate change. She joined Pronatura Veracruz A.C.’s science and monitoring team in 2016. Flor develops different projects focusing on promoting the protection and sustainable use of natural resources. She also collaborates in the production of scientific dissemination materials and environmental education workshops.


Jerónimo is a plant ecologist and conservation biologist. He mainly works in temperate ecosystems in the high mountains of Mexico on topics such as ecosystem protection, restoration, forestry, agroforestry systems and information-based decision making. Since 2014, he has collaborated with Pronatura Veracruz A.C. where he is currently program coordinator.


Sonam, a resident of eastern Nepal, holds a masters degree in International Nature Conservation from both Lincoln University in New Zealand and Goettingen University in Germany. Mr. Lama has been involved in community-based red panda conservation in Nepal since 2006. As a Programme Coordinator at the Red Panda Network (RPN), he manages field programs in eastern Nepal. Sonam led the RPN team that photographed the Marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata) for the first time in Nepal and generated new information on Asiatic leopard, Asiatic golden cat, red muntjac, spotted linsang and clouded leopard populations. He was one of the nominees of the Future for Nature Award 2019 and was a recipient in 2015 of the international Disney Conservation Hero award.


Cherise Acker-Cooper is an environmentalist, a social change strategist and a mother who has a strong passion for building connections with the natural world and all its inhabitants. She has worked with academic and civil institutions as conduits to achieve environmental appreciation. She has won numerous awards for her contribution to creating environmental solutions and has developed a number of environmental education tools utilised in bringing about social change. She is a keen researcher who believes the alignment of social and natural sciences is the key to unlocking the principles of sustainability. She is also a serial student with a range of interests and a few of her achievements include an Advanced Diploma in Nature Conservation, a Diploma in Psychology, life coach certification and an accredited facilitator. Currently, she is employed with the Endangered Wildlife Trust as the Senior Operations Officer for the Threatened Amphibian Programme.

Marius Kabongo Ntumba

Marius completed a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Environmental Science at the University of Kinshasa. Since 2016 he has worked for 'Friends of Bonobos of Congo', the organization that manages the Lola ya Bonobo rehabilitation center and Ekolo ya Bonobo site (Community Reserve since 2019), as a scientific coordinator. His work includes coordinating and executing patrolling, monitoring, research, and data management and analysis activities. He also works to integrate capacity building of monitoring and ecological monitoring personnel into his research work. He is actively involved in using SMART Conservation Software and Geographic Information Systems to help protect the endangered bonobos that call the community reserve home.

Toe Tet Aung

Toe Tet Aung graduated with a B.Sc in Marine Science and Diploma in Aquaculture from Pathein University in 2015. He has joined Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (BANCA) as a field coordinator working on marine biodiversity and shore birds conservation.


Yan Naung Soe graduated from a B.A. program in English at Sittwe University in 2006 and is secretary of the Rakhine Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (RBANCA). He conserves Spoon-billed Sandpiper as a BANCA field coordinator on Nan Thar Island.


Min Thiha Zaw graduated B.Sc (Marine Science) from Pathein University in 2015. He has been working with BANCA since 2016 as a field coordinator, specializing in biodiversity monitoring along the coast of Myanmar.


Ei Thinzar Aung received a B.Sc in Environmental Studies in 2016, and after graduation, joined BANCA. Experienced in protected area management planning, her responsibilities on BANCA and Rainforest Trust’s joint conservation project focus on conducting surveys and monitoring biodiversity, especially flora.

Jerry Cammue Garteh

Jerry holds a Master of Science degree (MSc) in Biodiversity Conservation from Njala University in Sierra Leone, a Bachelor of Science degree (BSc) in General Biology from the University of Liberia, and a certificate in Ecotourism in Protected Area Management from Colorado State University. As the Science and Conservation Coordinator for Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL0, he supervises all field research and biomonitoring activities, conducts research, analyses data, makes reports, and builds the capacity of the research technicians on his team. He also coordinates, plans and implements their waterbird census, African Bird Club and the International Bird Club in Liberia and is a member of IUCN SSC for hippos in Africa. Before working for SCNL, he served as capacity support advisor for the US Forest Service, International Program, and Research Technician for Birdlife International Transboundary Project.

Emmanuel G. Smith

Emmanuel G. Smith is a December 2016 graduate of the University of Liberia (UL) with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in General Forestry. He began his professional career as an intern with the Society for the Conservation of Liberia (SCNL) in early 2013. Currently, he is the Local Community Empowerment Officer (LCEO) at SCNL.
Over the years, he has developed skills in project coordination, team building, and facilitation of meetings and trainings. He is a self-motivated person and has the ability to work with people of diverse backgrounds.

Abigail T. Gbessagee-Hanky

Abigail T. Gbessagee-Hanky has over 10 years accumulated experience in program management, HR, policy work and gender equality; and holds a Bachelor’s of Public Administration from the African Methodist Episcopal University in Liberia. Before joining the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL), as Policy and Advocacy officer, she served the Accountability Lab in Liberia as Senior Programs Director. Abigail is passionate about gender equality and social justice.

Torwon T. Yantay

Torwon is trained in Cartography Science (GIS & RS) with 15 years professional work experience, skills, and training in map making and design (analog & digital designing). He has worked on many projects both within and outside of Liberia. He has also been trained in research design, data collection and different image analysis, using variety of GIS and Remote Sensing software, and led the boundary line demarcation of the Gola Forest National Park in 2018.
For the past 4 years, Torwon has worked with the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) in several different capacities: Science and Conservation Officer, Field supervisor, and Project Coordinator (GLA).

Salimatu M. Dunnoh

Salimatu is a 2017 graduate of the University of Liberia College of Agriculture and Forestry, majoring in General Forestry. She has worked for the Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) for over three years, first as a volunteer, and now as a Community Mobilization Officer. Her main responsibility is to create awareness of conservation issues and encourage participation among local communities. Salimatu is passionate about natural sciences, especially working to protect Liberia’s unique biodiversity and collaborating with community members in order to conserve their forests.

Woldemedhin Zebene

Woldemedhin first worked on Ethiopian wolf conservation as a field assistant on a project funded by the Darwin Initiative for the study of the rare and endangered canid. Through work with the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Program and the Frankfurt Zoological Society, he continued studying the Ethiopian wolf and its main prey item, the rodent communities in the Afro-alpine areas of the Ethiopian highlands. He is currently the co-founder of a local nongovernmental organization known as Afromontane Biodiversity Conservation in Ethiopia (ABCE) and is Field Coordinator for the Anaz-Guassa Community Conservation Area Project.

Luis Carrasco

Ecuador, FCAT
Luis is a founding member of the Fundación para la Conservación de los Andes Tropicales (FCAT). He is completing a Master’s Program in Biodiversity and Climate Change at the Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica. Luis has almost two decades of experience working on research projects with national and international organizations on the conservation of flora and fauna in the forests of the Ecuadorian Chocó. He is the author and co-author of several peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals. Luis has also presented the results of his research at several scientific conferences. His interest is focused on community conservation and understanding the ecology of Neotropical bird species.

Jorge Olivo

Jorge is a highly respected local resident in the Mache-Chindul Reserve and a core member of FCAT since 2003. Jorge is passionate about field biology and community conservation, with a broad expertise that includes radio-tracking, camera trapping, and avian observation. His research focuses on the endangered Long-wattled Umbrellabird and the frugivory and dispersal of palm communities. Jorge has received the ‘Conservation Hero Award’ from Disney World Wildlife Conservation for his work with FCAT, and has disseminated the results of his research via peer-reviewed publication and presentations in international Scientific meetings, including the ‘best presentation award’ at the IV meeting of the Ecuadorian Ornithological Society.


Tula Bahadur Kandel is a practicing human rights lawyer and gender justice attorney in Nepal. Since 2000, he has served as an advocate of the high court, advancing various public interest causes furthering social inclusion. At KTK-BELT, he has been instrumental in the design of new conservation policy tools that balance the needs of indigenous people with biodiversity conservation, under the country's newly created federalist structure. For the last three years, Tula has been advocating at all levels of government for the protection of Papung through Ramsar declaration. He helped draft the legislation and regulations which will declare and manage the Lungba Samba Bio-Cultural Heritage Special Zone. Beside his legal practice, Mr. Kandel was deeply involved in rights-based NGO work related to the First Constitutional Assembly of Nepal. Through his work at KTK-BELT, he seeks to bridge policy design, species conservation, and gender justice.


Lorena Fernández-Hidalgo is a primatologist and animal behaviorist. She started working with Neotropical Primate Conservation in 2018 as a field researcher studying yellow-tailed woolly monkeys (Lagothrix flavicauda) for her MSc. After that, she became a Project Director at NPC, carrying out research, community conservation, environmental education and anti-wildlife trafficking activities.


Tjalle joined the Armonía team in Bolivia in 2015 as the Barba Azul Nature Reserve Coordinator in charge of the reserve development and its sustainability. He partook in the first ever Blue-throated Macaw global census and led the expedition to find the breeding grounds of the northwestern subpopulation. Since April 2018, he is the Conservation Program Director, supervising Armonía’s conservation actions throughout Bolivia. In 2020, Tjalle was awarded with the Future for Nature Award for his Blue-throated Macaw conservation efforts.


Based in eastern Nepal and originally from Yangshila, Mina Kumari Rai coordinates the Vertical Biodiversity Fund's conservation land trust work. As an administrative and accounting coordinator, she has managed complex land transactions from the lowland plains to the high Himalayan region and developed an expertise in this approach to terrestrial conservation. She has also provided key administrative and accounting support towards KTK-BELT's youth fellows program, 'Vertical Farm,' indigenous knowledge portal, and outdoor education program. Holding a Masters in Management from Tribhuwan University, Mina is passionate about empowering young people and protecting precious nature across Nepal.

Elia Rabenandrasana

Elia is in charge of the administration and financial aspects of the Lost Forest project since June 2017. She is passionate about gaining skills and knowledge around conservation and administration in order to optimize the management of the Lost Forest conservation project.

Malala Randriamanalina

Malala has been a project assistant at MICET since 2015. She graduated from the University of Antananarivo, receiving her Master’s degree in Primatology and Evolutionary Biology. Currently, she is part of the Lost Forest project team of Ivohibory as a Technical Supervisor. She is passionate about working with community members and has spent most of her time connecting with local people living in rural areas.

Alexandre Dah

Alexandre Dah holds a Master's degree in Tropical Ecology from Félix Houphouët Boigny University in Cocody and is currently a PhD student studying sea turtle biodiversity in Côte d’Ivoire. Since 2014, he has served as the executive director of the NGO Conservation des Espèces Marines (CEM), which was created to better monitor and channel sea turtle conservation activities. Alexandre works hard to manage CEM’s conservation work and is based in Grand-Bereby. An IUCN Marine Sea Turtle Specialist Group member, he works for CEM to be in permanent contact with nature and is passionate about the sensitization of indigenous populations to conservation issues and transforming young people (poachers, etc.) into nature conservators.

Carolina Rodas

Carolina Rodas is working as a Communication Coordinator in the Jocotoco Conservation Foundation, an Ecuadorian organization whose mission is to protect land of critical importance to the conservation of Ecuador’s threatened and endemic birds and associated biodiversity, primarily by establishing ecological reserves. Since 2012, she has been involved in social responsibility projects, working with rural communities in Ecuador, bringing awareness about cultural and ecological values through education and the arts.

Eudelyn Gabuco

Eudelyn Gallego Gabuco has a BS in Agricultural Business with experience in organic farming. She loves nature and doing work that contributes to preserving nature. She has been working for Katala Foundation since January 2016, first as a Research Assistant conducting population surveys of the Palawan Forest Turtle and the Palawan Pangolin, and then as keeper of the Palawan Forest Turtle Assurance Colony. Since September 2018, she has been working as a Field Coordinator in the Palawan Forest Turtle Reserve in Sandoval, Roxas.

Ganga Limbu

Ganga Limbu is the first youth fellow of KTK-BELT, working in the areas of participatory mapping, social research and environmental education. She’s currently working on her Bachelor’s degree in Mahendra Multiple Campus, Dharan. She was born into a large family in Mukten village of Bhedetar VDC. Since she was young, she has received scholarships from Phulmaya Foundation and most recently received a scholarship for her Bachelor’s degree. She’s currently living in Satisale village, Yangshila. Along with doing research in the existing education curriculum, she’s interested in learning different software, including ArcGIS, AutoCAD and Sketch up.

Gunwant Mahajan

Guwant Mahajan works as a senior field coordinator with Applied Environmental Research Foundation (AERF). He has conducted detailed plant surveys and has identified populations of many endangered plant species in the Prachitgad Community Reserve.

Francis Osei-Gyan

Francis Osei-Gyan, a conservation officer at HERP Conservation Ghana, is generally intrigued with the natural world. He is particularly interested in endangered species conservation and climate change mitigation. He has a MSc in development policy and planning and two years experience conducting field research and implementing various biodiversity conservation projects in Ghana. Francis has in the past co-founded and worked with Visionary Vine; a consulting firm specializing in development planning in Ghana. As a conservation officer at HERP Conservation Ghana, he guides the planning and implementation of their community engagement programs.


Ingrid has a Masters in the Management of Protected Areas from the University of Madrid and was awarded a scholarship to study Forestry at the National University of Forestry Sciences in Honduras. She was also awarded a scholarship by the United States forest service to participate in the international course on management of protected areas in Fort Collins, Colorado. In 2000 she began work in protected areas as an environmental educator in communities surrounding Sierra del Lacondón National Park. She has also worked as an agroforestry technician and environmental educator to promote the declaration of the Sierra Caral Water and Forest Reserve. Currently, through leading coordination of the Sierra Santa Cruz protected area, she spearheads initiatives to promote the declaration of SSC.

Jonalyn B. Lavega

Jonalyn Lavega — from Sitio Little Baguio, Barangay Mendoza, Roxas, Palawan — is the field coordinator for the Mendoza Protected Watershed Area. She is responsible for the establishment of the warden program in the protected area, supervising the work of eight wardens and often joining them on patrol and assisting in setting camera traps for monitoring work. Jonalyn also liaises with local government and partners to ensure good project progress. She loves working with nature and people, and the challenges of informing people about the importance of sustainable resource use.

Michael Gyapong Akrasi

Michael Gyapong Akrasi, a conservation officer at HERP Conservation Ghana, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resources Management with a specialization in Wildlife and Range Management. As part of his BSc research, he developed predictive modeling maps for threatened and endemic amphibian species in Ghana. Michael has two years experience in field research work and community awareness campaigns. Michael has a passion for wildlife photography and is also interested in GIS and Remote Sensing.

Ms. Khine Khine Swe

Khine Khine Swe, also known as KKS, is Deputy Director of FOW. She got her Master degree in Geography in 2003. KKS is a former school teacher and joined FOW in 2007. She was responsible as the Community Relation and Education Officer and joint secretary of FOW. Currently, she is leading the project activities and development of FOW.

Mohan Pandey

Mohan is currently working on the Lumbasumba Conservation Project as an ecologist. He is originally from Syangja district with a Master’s degree in Botany with specialization in ‘Ecology and Resource Management’ from the Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University. He is interested in research related to endangered plant species, use and harvesting patterns of wild plant resources, local ethnobotanical knowledge, impact study and management of invasive plant species, climate change and conservation. He has five years of experience in long-term vegetation monitoring, biodiversity conservation, invasive alien plant species, documentation of ethnobotanical knowledge and other aspects of ecology. During research projects, he has worked in various districts across Nepal, including the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL), Chitwan Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) and Kailash Sacred Landscape (KSL).

Nitesh Singh

Nitesh is a wildlife enthusiast and researcher currently working on the Lumbasumba project. He holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Science from the Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University and has previous experience in wildlife studies at different elevational gradients of Nepal. He has assisted in two Ph.D. studies, particularly on dietary analysis of herbivore and carnivore species, as well as worked and volunteered in organizations like NTNC and WWF, which has enhanced his capabilities and further motivated him to acquire in-depth knowledge on faunal diversity.

Pema Lamu Bhutia

Pema Lamu Bhutia, originally from Chepuwa VDC, Sankhuwasabha District, holds a Bachelors in English from Bundelkhand University in Jhansi. She has worked as an assistant teacher at Clifton Hall Boarding School and Kamalodaya Academy School. As KTK-BELT’s Administrator and HR Coordinator, she brings rigor and professionalism to the workplace.

Sanjay Pashte

Sanjay Pashte has been working as the senior community coordinator with Applied Environmental Research Foundation (AERF) for the last 14 years. He has an excellent understanding of the local environment and communities as he hails from the Sangameshwar block where a majority of AERF’s work takes place. He has helped significantly in bringing important forest areas under conservation agreement in the proposed Prachitgad Community Reserve.

Shankar Bhusal

Shankar is a qualified member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA, UK). He also possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Business studies from Tribhuwan University and currently is pursuing his Master’s. He has over three years of experience in an Audit Firm, R.K. Associates, Chartered Accountants, as a senior auditor handling the accounting assignments & conducting the internal/external audits of various organizations having diverse goals, including some NGOs/INGO/projects such as Shanti Med Nepal Switzerland, Nepal SokaGakkai International, Kiran Namaste Nepal and project audits carried out by Kathmandu University with collaboration with different consortium partners and an audit of “Revenue Administration Support’’ (RAS) Project carried out by GIZ.

Win Ko Ko Naing Tun

Win Ko Ko Naing Tun has been a project officer/assistant at several Friends of Wildlife project sites since joining FOW in 2007, including Indawgyi Lake WS, Chatthin WS, Mahamyaing WS and Inle Lake WS. He was promoted to program officer in early 2018 and is now actively involved in project implementation, monitoring, evaluation and fundraising.

Yan Lin Tun

Yan Lin Tun has worked for FOW since 2015. He is a very active and motivated person, resulting in a promotion to project officer within 2 years. Yan Lin Tun is good at conducting field surveys and is also involved in the Conservation Stewards Program in Myanmar.

Tun Oo

Tun Oo began to work at FOW in 2011 as a project assistant in many sites such as Chatthin WS, Indawgyi Lake WS, Shwesettaw WS and Mahamyaing WS. He is also good in GIS and wildlife surveying. Tun Oo was promoted to Project Officer in 2017 and now working at the Project Management Section.

Wang Chhedar Lama

Wang Chhedar Lama is currently working on the Lumbasumba Conservation Project/ Sankhuwasabha learning ground (SLG) as district coordinator. He is originally from Sankhuwasabha district Bhotkhola -4 (Siprung). He holds a bachelor’s degree in Education and is currently working on a Master’s degree on Rural Development. He has 17 years of work experience on climate change, forest management, write up OP/constitution of CFUG, Forest inventory, GIS/ GPS, good governance, biodiversity and the environmental conservation sector. During his project period, he has worked in very remote areas of the different districts (Solukhombhu, Taplejung, and Sankhuwasabha.)
(Header photo: Serra Bonita, Brazil. Photo by Robin Moore.)