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Saving the Planet, One Frog at a Time
Frogs are 10-year-old Justin Sather’s favorite animal. His…

COVID-19 Emergency Fund Supports Partners, Reserves
This spring, in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, Rainforest…

Our Conversation with Great.com
Rainforest Trust’s Chief Philanthropy Officer, Leslie VanSant,…

Visiting Tanzania’s Magombera Forest Reserve
Tanzania’s Magombera Forest is internationally recognized for…

Indigenous Peoples' Day: Planning for the Future
Peru holds the second-largest share of the Amazon rainforest…

5 Benefits of Protected Areas
Rainforest Trust’s mission for over 30 years has been to prevent…

Supporter Spotlight: Sock Puppets for Conservation
When the COVID-19 pandemic started, many were unsure about what…

Seven Books About the Natural World You May Not Have Already Read
Recently, you may have discovered yourself sitting on the couch…

6 Ways to Help the Environment from Home
As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April…

Healthy Forests, Healthy Planet
By Angela Yang, Rainforest Trust Chief Conservation Officer –…

Rainforest Trust Staff Spotlight: Katie Pugh
Rainforest Trust Africa Conservation Officer, Katie Pugh has…

Beckett McGrath is Leading the "Protection of Earth"
"I think young people should work for conservation because they…

World Pangolin Day: What Happens After a Rescue?
As one of the most trafficked species on the planet, the pangolin…

Devastating Truths of Deforestation and How You Can Help
Rainforests are one of Earth’s most precious natural resources,…
Thanks to the generous support of our Board members and other supporters who cover all of our operating expenses, Rainforest Trust is able to allocate 100% of donations to conservation action. No board member receives financial benefit and our staff salaries are modest.
Rainforest Trust is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
To Visit Us:
7200 Lineweaver Road
Suite 100
Vint Hill, VA 20187
For Mailings:
P.O. Box 841
Warrenton, VA 20188
To Call Us:
(800) 456-4930
EIN: 13-3500609
CFC #11257