Blue-eyed Ground-dove Chick Spotted in Rainforest Trust Reserve
In January 2018, Rainforest Trust worked closely with local partner Sociedade para a Conservação das Aves do Brasil (SAVE Brasil) to protect the Critically Endangered Blue-eyed Ground-dove through designating the 1,466-acre Blue-eyed Ground-dove Reserve in southeastern Brazil. The following July, the Minas Gerias state government designated the Botumirim State Park nearby. The two protected areas have allowed researchers to study the biology of this unique bird and find ways to rehabilitate the species as a whole.

The Critically Endangered Blue-eyed Ground-dove chick (foreground). Photo by SAVE Brasil.
Their hard work is proving to be fruitful, as a new group of doves were recently spotted in the reserve. And last week, a SAVE Brasil staff member captured one of the only existing photographs of a juvenile Blue-eyed Ground-Dove. Researchers estimate that it is two weeks old and will be fledging soon. Evidence of quick population growth is a great ornithological feat, considering the species was thought to be extinct in the wild until they were rediscovered in 2015. The protection provided by the state park and Rainforest Trust reserve — paired with continuing efforts of SAVE Brasil to monitor the species — is essential to the survival of this rare and beautiful bird.
“This sighting inspires a great deal of confidence in the overall future of the Blue-eyed Ground-dove” said Rainforest Trust CEO Paul Salaman. “We are confident that the knowledgeable, dedicated staff of SAVE Brasil will be able to nurture the population to a size that ensures the long-term survival of the species.”
Header image: Two Blue-eyed Ground-doves. Photo by Rafael Bessa.