Seth MacFarlane Gives $1 Million to Rainforest Trust to Stop Deforestation

Seth MacFarlane has given $1,000,000 to Rainforest Trust to further…

International Women's Day

Ednah Nyambu, Kenya What is a typical day like for you in…

UN Reports Monumental Rate of Global Biodiversity and Rainforest Loss

This week, the UN released its first comprehensive report on…

Voices from the Rainforest: Eugène Mibog Diyouke, Conservation Fellow

Rainforest Trust projects thrive thanks to the important…

Use Technology to Think Like a Tiny Primate

Conservation and animal rights advocates have always anthropomorphized…

Private Reserve Expansion in Ecuador Strengthens Protection of Premier National Park

The Nangaritza Valley in southern Ecuador holds the country’s…

Land Purchase Completed for Endangered Parrots in Mexico

The Monte Mojino Reserve, in the Sierra Madre Occidental mountains,…

World’s Tallest Tropical Tree Found in Malaysian Borneo

In the 2018 Tree Yearbook, many of the superlatives went to familiar…

Climate Change Dries Up Sacred Lake in Colombia

A sacred lake in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of…

Voices from the Rainforest: Bagus Irawan, Conservation Fellow

Rainforest Trust projects thrive thanks to the important…