Nearly one acre of forest is lost every second
Thanks to generous support from our donors, we have successfully reached our fundraising goal for this project.
Safeguard the Amazon-Cerrado Rainforest
Brazil’s Amazon rainforest is edged with transitional forests that act as corridors into some of the country’s most unique ecosystems. The Amazon-Cerrado of Central Brazil is one of the most important transitional forests, hosting a variety of species from both the Amazon and the biodiversity-rich Cerrado region. Since the 1970s, 95% of the Amazon-Cerrado transitional forest ecosystem has been cleared, largely due to unsustainable slash-and burn agricultural practices for soybean farming. Header Photo: Santarem Parakeet, by Nick Athanas.
Santarem Parakeet (EN); Giant Otter (EN); Chestnut-bellied Guan (VU); White-lipped Peccary (VU); Bare-faced Curassow (VU); Channel-billed Toucan (VU)
(EN)=Endangered, (VU)=Vulnerable
Instituto Araguaia
253,531 mT*
*(metric tonnes of CO2 equivalents)
Save Critical Habitat for the Santarem Parakeet
This forest is home to every large mammal species native to the Cerrado, including Endangered Giant Otters, Giant Anteaters, Marsh Deer and White-lipped Peccaries. The region also hosts 202 bird species––including the endemic Endangered Santarem Parakeet, also known as “Tiriba-de-Hellmayr” (the species name in Portuguese).
However, a great deal of biodiversity in the region is still unknown, with most of the reptile, amphibian, invertebrate, and plant species of the region not yet assessed by the IUCN.
Stop Decades Long Deforestation
At the current rate of deforestation, over 50% of the region’s remaining native vegetation will be lost within the next 20 years. The many animals that rely on it will be left highly vulnerable, and range-restricted species like the Santarem Parakeet will become extinct.
To halt this destruction, Rainforest Trust and our local partner Instituto Araguaia are working to safeguard a 2,523-acre parcel of Amazon-Cerrado transitional forest. The new protected area is part of a long-term strategy that will create a network of reserves, bolstering protection in the region. Help us safeguard this unique transitional forest for the Santarem Parakeet and all its resident species. Photos: (Above) Brazilian Rainforest, by Rainforest Trust; (Below) Giant Otters, by Zoofanatic/Flickr.
Project Location

Learn More About This and Other Related Projects:
Statement on Wildfires, Loss of Biodiversity & the Climate Crisis
More Critically Endangered Doves Spotted in Brazil
Land Purchases Expanding Vital Atlantic Forest Protections in Brazil
Safeguarding the Atlantic Forest by Expanding REGUA
Land Purchase to Protect the Southern Woolly Spider Monkey
First Protection for the Rediscovered Blue-eyed Ground-dove
Expanding REGUA: A Critical Reserve in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest
New Refuge for Brazilian Parrots
Thanks to the generous support of our Board members and other supporters who cover all of our operating expenses, Rainforest Trust is able to allocate 100% of donations to conservation action. No board member receives financial benefit and our staff salaries are modest.
Rainforest Trust is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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